Ian Fitzgerald of Eagle flies into the sky at the Idaho Velopark (Mari Briggs photo)
Five Mile Creek
Bob's Trail, Josh Roper photo
Orchard Gulch off of Rocky Canyon Road
Practice good trail etiquette
Oregon Trail
Scaling Hard Guy
Lots of elbow room on Avimor trails
Idaho Velopark Stage Fright jump line
Hi all,
After many months of work, I'm happy to report that the 5th edition of Mountain Biking in Boise will be released for retail sales in the middle of next week. The book also is available for sale on my
web site.
Many new trails have been added to the Boise and Eagle Foothills trail network over the last 5-6 years since the last edition. Volunteers from the
Southwest Idaho Mountain Biking Association (SWIMBA), the
Idaho Velopark and
Boise REI have stepped up to create more trails, more fun, more challenge and more pure adrenaline than we've ever had before. My hats off to all of the people who made this happen.
The new book features 65 rides and maps, a photo gallery of action images, and tips on riding technique, trail etiquette and bike maintenance. The book has 25 more rides than the last edition, including rides in the Eagle Foothills, the
Idaho Velopark,
Avimor, new
Ridge to Rivers Trails and new trails around
Bogus Basin. All told, the trail system in the foothills has expanded from 80 miles to 200+ miles of trails, much of it singletrack.
We're blessed to have so many public trails right out our backdoor in Boise. It's a world-class trail system -- one of the best in a city of our size anywhere in America, in my opinion. We need to do everything possible to
tread lightly and be an ambassador for the sport of mountain biking when you're out there on the trail.
Go out of your way to yield to other users and say hello ... it's a wonderful thing to see all of the people out there hiking, walking their dogs, running, biking and horseback riding in the foothills, in addition to the motorbikes and ATVs in the upper reaches of the foothills. Everyone is out there to have fun and enjoy the fresh air and the surrounding environment. Do your part to preserve the resource.
The new book will be available at Treasure Valley bike shops, book shops and outdoor stores. Book-signing events will be announced soon.
In the coming days, my web site will feature sample rides from the book, videos of more than a dozen trails, and a fun slide show of previous book covers and associated trivia ... -- SS